Sunday 26th Feb Kicks It Off

We’re good to go for round 1 this Sunday 26th Feb kicking off the 23′ Northern Rallysprint Series.

Arcadia Road, in sunny (fingers crossed) Paparoa, hosted by Hibiscus Coast Motorsport Club, see’s us back in familiar territory. The event being run in a North to South direction brings a feeling of familiarity as driver/codriver teams tackle the 8km +/- course. The course shortened just a smidgen from prior years. The road has been on high watch by organizer’s no doubt following our recent bad weather spout. It’s held up remarkable well, good enough to get the thumbs up from the Local Council, to be issued with the ‘golden ticket‘ – an approved road closure permit. Take the time to scout your route before you leave for awareness of any ‘bad road’ sections to your destination which could cause transit delays.

Like most clubs, HCMC would have a fairly good rapport with locals and work in wherever necessary to allow this event to happen. Supporting the local Lions Club, your event entry gets you a free 2-person meal pass for a sit-down dinner post event at the Paparoa Hall right at the heart of the pits area. Please take the time if you can to partake in this, it’s really awesome seeing collaboration with local communities for our rallysprint events – fundraising from the Paparoa Lions Club goes towards local community projects.

An event with probably the best pits area you’ll get all season, slowly tour through town and out into the country to the start line for ‘go time’.

The course starts with a tight twisty downhill section towards the narrow one lane bridge, then snakes uphill opening up into higher gear sections. Sprinkled full of tight turns as far as the eye can see, follow the notes and throw her in. Good results favour the brave, crests requiring full commitment, flowing corners with favorable cambers, this road just dances left, right left …

The mid-section opens up to some decent straights, you’re running up higher in the hills at this stage, easier to gain better vantage as the roads dip and turn. One lane bridges really do rein in the speedo, but opening up into straight sections after, foot down all the way! The road flows corner to corner, right the way towards the finish line. Focus dialed right in, this is a really fun road – still the big sigh out as you cross the finish line and high five your codriver.

It’s been a while since I’ve been up there competing but watching some in-car footage gave me goosebumps and jogged the memory reminding me just how awesome our road selections are. All fair and well scouting for new roads (always in the sights of any club) but our existing roads have so much character, so many ‘moments’ had and it’s nice to return for another go at trying to beat your personal best time from years prior. Like an old friend, the roads are welcomed and enjoyed by many!

No need to fight for a good pits spot here, we look forward to seeing competing teams arrive for an excellent day’s racing.

While in the hall doing your documentation, look out for Nikki who will have the series door banner stickers. You’ll need to grab two door stickers and apply them to your car. We’ve also got Northern Rallsprint Series window stickers you can take to stick em’ somewhere to promote the series. Colour options available even to suit your car colour scheme…

Entries closed off on Wednesday so hopefully you’ve got yours in. HCMC are accepting late entries to the event, so even if you’re swearing and cursing at late couriers for parts arriving or the battle is real to get your car going in time, stop kicking her and contact the organizer’s and get an entry in. This is No. 1 for the series rounds and a good opportunity to blow out the cobwebs and see what the talents like this year if you’re in for the class battles with mates.

Sponsored by CPS & Suspension Tech, overall and class points start from here on in.

Special thanks to Neil Allport for supplying pace notes for the events. These are great for novice codrivers to jump in the silly seat and give it a go, without the stress of writing your own notes.

Racing Sunday – let’s gooo ….