Series, the Shorter Version


Series Recap

The Northern Rallysprint Series round 4 was held Sunday 23rd June at Stanley Road, Whakatane but cut short after torrential downpours and wet conditions hampered efforts on the day.

Motorsport Bay of Plenty club organizers pushed ahead in favour of delivering the event to the competitors but after an incident/off on the first run and timing issues, paired with persistent rain worsening, reluctantly, organizers were forced to cancel the event. Although expressions of frustration were had at the cancellation, realizations were clear that every effort was made on the day to make the event happen.

Jackets, raincoats and gumboots were on. The water over the stage ford was a test for the brave and a spectacular sight for event photographers. Thank you Motorsport Bay of Plenty for persevering with the event despite the challenging conditions. Such a good road, it seems a shame not to be able to get a full days runs in for competitors.

Thoughts are with Carlin and Nathan after their incident. Carlins social media progress reports show every ounce of determination the young aspiring competitor has to get back on the road. It also gives procrastinators a kick up the pants for projects that are on the list to do but not yet done. Go well Carlin, you’re inspiring us all!

📸 Inmotion Photography & Brian Young

Looking at ford splash levels, not sure which tactic is better, fast or slow, as seen above. I heard about the little red submarine but hadn’t seen the pic, now I know what they were talking about. Brian, we almost lost you in the water there mate.

The series moves onto Round #5, Hoddle Road which is scheduled for August 18th. Event regulations have been published and are online and available. Get in early so Hamilton Car Club can track entry numbers, it’s the golden number event organizers need to see leading into these events.

Recently, communications went out to advise of a change in the series points. Round 1, Arcadia Road points were retracted due to the event being abandoned following the tragic accident. No official results were made available on the day and as such, no points can be awarded. Although not a sanctioned series, the Northern Rallysprint Series organizers align to the MSNZ rules as listed in the NSC and without official results, I’m afraid our hands are tied. No, it’s not ideal and it’s not taken lightly, so apologies folks, we do try to deliver a seamless structure in the annual series.

The Series rules have points that cover and include scenarios;

Northern Rallysprint Series Rule 15. states ‘If the event is to be shortened for other reasons, prior to any runs, or competition such as bad weather, road deterioration etc, the organizers must inform competitors of the decision prior to the next run’

The decision to retract round 1 points was reviewed and reached by series convenors. We understand the outcome may not be favourable for all, and we appreciate all feedback submitted.

Northern Rallysprint Series Rule 16. states ‘If there are 5 or more rounds in the series, the registered competitors must drop 1 round’s score in the series for class and overall points‘.

As Thames Valley Car Club were not able to run the scheduled round 3 Piakonui Road, round 1 being abandoned and round 4 cancelled, it has resulted in only 2 rounds counting towards series points. Dilemma – not ideal at all.

Series organizers are enquiring into running a further round after Hamilton Car Club’s August Hoddle Road. A social media post was sent out to competitors asking if this could be what you’re after? There was some positivity, Dale James said’ would be awesome to get another round’, Bryn Jones said ‘if you can get another round in around NZRC events, I’m keen’. A glimmer is all I need to get onto fleshing out another round.

The calendar is pretty tight though and the 29-Sept is the selected tentative date. Apologies Geoff Batt, he’s a bit dark as that date messes with the holiday schedule, sorry!

Crunching numbers, she’s a bit tight. Further communications will go out to the competitor base – a proposed event would only go-ahead pending series members confirming entries. It’s a busy time of the rally calendar and this date is a one-time only offer.

Thank you to series sponsors CPS, Suspension Tech and Neil Allport for their support of the series.

Also to competing teams attending all rounds, clubs, and all volunteers who give up their time to make these events possible.

Our heartfelt thoughts remain with the families from the Arcadia Road accident as we continue with the final event/s of the 24′ series. *Forever and always*

The Northern Rallysprint Series sponsored by CPS and Suspension Tech, formerly known as the ABC Pipefitters Northern Rallysprint Series, the Clubsport News, Fortron and Woolf Mufflers series, is in its 38th year running.

Local clubs form the backbone of the series and supporters, competitor and spectator attendance, help drive its success. The series nets a wide of range of competitors, it facilitates shake downs prior to bigger events, local and wide club competitor entries, and for many, is our rally event/s for the year, including other events dotted in.

You can’t ignore the harsh economic sting though, it isn’t getting any cheaper to run events. Event entry fees have been fairly stable, small increases year-to-year, club-to-club. The cap has been roughly $300 for an entry, to cover costs, and to leave a bit of sliced ham in the bank account. That’s the aim, that’s the goal.

The 24′ series prizegiving is locked and loaded for Saturday 30-Nov, to be run with the North Island Rally Series prizegiving and held at the Northern Sports Car Clubrooms. It was a pretty good event and roundup last year and the venue fits a car up front as the center piece. You can’t find too many venues where the series winner can park their car proudly at the front of the room.. We’re looking forward to doing something similar again this year.