Rallysprint season halted!

Dylan Turner returned to the series at Bothwell Loop with a 4th overall, and a 2nd in the registered competitors.

Well, Well,Well. How things can change! after three fantastic rounds we now find ourselves at the halfway point of the series, OR possibly the end! Of course the last few words are a little over the top at this stage but due to the uncertainty of the Coronavirus who really knows. At this stage motorsport NZ are not issuing any permits until at least Mid May, which has put a stop to the next few rounds of the rallysprint series. I must admit i do feel for the car clubs, especially the South Auckland Car Club who were to be the next round, and by all accounts it was going to be a ” Biggie ” with many rally crews using it for a run out prior to the national championship which was to start pretty soon, but again this championship has also has fallen victim to the uncertainty. So, at this stage were going to concentrate on the good things that’s happened with the series.

It was great to see Dylan Turner return after missing round 2. Matt Jensen and Haydn McKenzie were also out to keep applying the pressure on our champion Graham Featherstone after both beating him at round 2. National rally campaigners Kingsley Jones and Raana Horan alias team Skoda were also present, and although not registered to the series were to provide more pressure to Feathers. Jack Hawkeswood, Dave Strong and Ben Thomasen were other drivers quite capable of walking away with a victory as well, but fear not, Super cool Feathers  “showed em who was boss”. A tyre selection issue costing him dearly at round 2 was not to be repeated, and as always he showed why he’s in the master class at rallysprints. His system is quite simple, yet know one else seem’s to be able to do it with such precision or consistency, he simply gets faster and faster, as does everyone but he has the knack of knowing just how faster to go, it’s unreal!

After three rounds he,s now taken a rather decent lead of 12 points, he still led the series coming into this round but by only 1 point. Admittedly his chasers had problems, but that’s the way it goes!

A full report and photos will be in the 2nd edition of ” A little bit sideways”. Just a quick word here to all you rally fans, we,ve all heard of the pressures that business’s are facing due to the Coronavirus, this rally mag is the same and no different to any other business’s. Jason and Dee put their heart and soul into this and with no events to cover they too are now in an uncertain position. So, if you have any stories, any car build projects, any articles you feel you could contribute then please get in touch with Jason, and help support his mag.

As for the series, well we simply do not know of the outcome for 2020. We still have three rounds to go, obviously the dates are going to change but the big problem is when? as every other series will have be facing the same problems, and its hard enough trying to fit everyone into the calendar as it is. All we can say, is simply watch this space, keep fit and healthy and look after yourselves, your family’s and your mates.

The points table will be up in a couple of days, so please check out and call back. There are a couple of changes to the results that were awarded on the day, due to a miss understanding, everyone involved has been notified and have accepted the outcome.

Cheers for now.